28 de fevereiro de 2021


    "Filioque Controversy. An argument concerning the ‘Procession of the Holy Spirit’ that long disturbed the Eastern and Western Churches, and the difference of opinion concerning which still forms one of the principal barriers between them. The point was: Did the HOLY GHOST proceed from the Father and the Son {Filio-que), or from the Father only? The argument basically is this: If the Son is one with the Father, whatever proceeds from the Father must proceed from the Son also. The filioque was first introduced by the Western Church at the Council of Toledo in 589 and was added to the NICENE CREED in the 11th century. For both sides it was a profoundly important matter which could not be settled by compromise. For the Eastern Church Peter of Antioch said that to deny the filioque was ‘a wicked thing, and among wicked things the most wicked’, this was what Christ had meant as to the blasphemy against the Holy Spirit. Photius urged: ‘0 Latin, cease and desist from saying that there are many principles and many causes, and acknowledge that the Father is the one cause’. For the Western Church PETER DAMIAN argued that: ‘When the Holy Spirit is said to proceed from the Father, it is necessary that he proceed also from the Son, because Father and Son are undoubtedly of the same ousia.’"

"Filioque Controversy" in Dictionary of Christianity, editado por J.C. Cooper, Chicago, Fitzroy Dearborn, 1997, p. 94. 

século XVII

27 de fevereiro de 2021

Tabaco e meninos

Cigarette cards
Children of all nations: a series of 50
Franklyn's Cigarettes
Franklyn, Davey & Co.
Imperial Tobacco Co.


    The Portuguese are intensely fond of their children, and are apt to indulge and spoil them. The little meninos go quite early into long trousers, and the subject of our picture, who lives in northern Portugal, seems very proud of his grown-up garments. Quite young boys are often to be seen in the streets of Oporto in charge of the clumsy wooden carts drawn by long-horned oxen, and carrying great casks of port."

26 de fevereiro de 2021

Index Librorum Prohibitorum

Igreja Católica, Index Librorum Prohibitorum etc., editado por T. A. Degola, Roma, 1841. Daqui

    "Index Librorum Prohibitorum, (Latin: “Index of Forbidden Books”), list of books once forbidden by Roman Catholic church authority as dangerous to the faith or morals of Roman Catholics. Publication of the list ceased in 1966, and it was relegated to the status of a historic document.
The origin of the church’s legislation concerning the censorship of books is unclear, but books were a source of concern as early as the scriptural account of the burning of superstitious books at Ephesus by the new converts of St. Paul (Acts 19:19)." Daqui

    "E muitos dos que se tinham dedicado à magia trouxeram os seus livros e queimaram-nos diante de todos. O valor dos livros foi calculado em cinquenta mil moedas de prata." (Act 19, 19)

Bíblia Sagrada, Lisboa/Fátima, Difusora Bíblica, 2006, p. 1814. 

25 de fevereiro de 2021

Uma tapeçaria com Vasco da Gama

The return of Vasco da Gama
Jean Grenier e Arnould Poissonier
1500 - 1530

    "The tapestry is part of a precious tapestry suite – The journey to Calcutta, ordered by King Manuel I of Portugal in 1499 to commemorate Vasco da Gama’s (1460s–1524) discovery of the sea route between Europe and India. The journey 1497-1499 was an important event for trade. The tapestry depicts a pageant with giraffes, musicians, soldiers and noblewomen. The man to the right, with a beard and a spear, is probably Vasco da Gama." Daqui

23 de fevereiro de 2021

Mulheres portuguesas do século XIX (um homem também)

    8 fotografias de "types féminins portugais" doadas por Élisée Reclus (1830-1905), francês, geógrafo e militante anarquista, em 1886. Daqui


S. Cosme






22 de fevereiro de 2021

Os Romanov como Portadores da Paixão

    "On August 20, 2000, the Russian Orthodox Church canonized the emperor and his family, designating them “passion bearers” (the lowest rank of sainthood) because of the piety they had shown during their final days." Daqui

20 de fevereiro de 2021

19 de fevereiro de 2021

Os pretos de Serpa Pinto

Os pretos de Serpa Pinto
Miguel Ângelo Lupi
ca. 1879

"(...) dois escravos angolanos que serviram Serpa Pinto nas suas viagens (...)" 

18 de fevereiro de 2021

Peru - El torito de Pucará

    "El “Torito de Pucará” es un símbolo totémico conocido como qonopas (quechua) y/o Illas (aymara) que se usa en los rituales andinos. La representación simbólica en su iconografía artísticamente acabados tienen valor estético y espiritual: El color blanco del toro simboliza pureza y protección (pareja); color negro el Ego, defectos psicológicos; la chicha (agua) y/o vino que está dentro como fuente de vida relacionado con la transmutación del factor nacer, fecundación.

    En el ritual del “señalaquy” “ch’alla” “Haywariquy” se utiliza el torito de pucará supliendo a las Illas, qonopas antes representados por los camélidos -en piedra y cerámica- luego de esparcir el elemento agua o vino es fertilizar simbólicamente el ganado. Para el hombre significa el trabajo con la energía sexual que debe llegar hasta la cabeza, es el factor nacer, la transmutación de la energía creadora controlada por la mente, la misma que es sutilmente esculpida en el torito por los artistas herederos de la Cultura Pucará.

    El torito moderno es un prototipo turístico, en sus acabados tienen más de dos colores chillones y brillantes llamativos para dar un atractivo artístico y comercial, generalmente se compra en pares. En un inicio fue símbolo de ceremonias, y ahora un tótem que le atribuyen poder de protección, cuando es colocada en los techos de las viviendas." Daqui

16 de fevereiro de 2021

Chevalier d'Eon

 Chevalier d'Eon
Thomas Stewart, after Jean-Laurent Mosnier

    "This painting of the celebrated soldier, diplomat and fencer, Chevalier d’Éon (Charles Geneviève Louis Auguste André Timothée d' Éon de Beaumont) (1728-1810), was an important acquisition for the National Portrait Gallery as it is the earliest representation of a transgender person in the Collection. D’Éon was respected internationally after playing a key role in peace negotiations that ended the Seven Years’ War, and later as a professional fencer, performing for George, Prince of Wales, though always fighting in women’s attire. (...)
    When the portrait was initially offered to the National Portrait Gallery, curators were unaware that it was a contemporary copy of an original portrait painted by French artist, Jean-Laurent Mosnier (1743-1808). This came to light when the owner of the original portrait informed the Gallery of its existence." Daqui

15 de fevereiro de 2021

Lisboa - Maria Benedicta, preta, solteira, e criada

“Em trez de Outubro de mil oito centos, e trez faleceu nesta Freguezia com todos os Sacramentos, de idade de quarenta, e trez annos pouco mais, ou menos Maria Benedicta, preta, solteira, e criada do Illustrissimo Antonio Sanches, que veio passar o Verão a sua Quinta das Casas Novas, sendo Parochiano de Saõ Tomé; foi sepultada no mesmo dia no Claustro do Beato Antonio
O Par.º Antonio Jose da Fonca Barros”

Lisboa, Paróquia de Beato, Livro de registo de óbitos, 1802/1820 (O3), fl. 7v. Daqui

Caneca em Cabeça de Preta
Real Fábrica do Rato
1801 - 1825
Museu Grão Vasco

14 de fevereiro de 2021

Dia da Marmota

    "A popular tradition in the United States, Groundhog Day is also a legend that traverses centuries, its origins clouded in the mists of time with ethnic cultures and animals awakening on specific dates. Myths such as this tie our present to the distant past when nature did, indeed, influence our lives. It is the day that the Groundhog comes out of his hole after a long winter sleep to look for his shadow.
    If he sees it, he regards it as an omen of six more weeks of bad weather and returns to his hole.
    If the day is cloudy and, hence, shadowless, he takes it as a sign of spring and stays above ground.
    The groundhog tradition stems from similar beliefs associated with Candlemas Day and the days of early Christians in Europe, and for centuries the custom was to have the clergy bless candles and distribute them to the people. Even then, it marked a milestone in the winter and the weather that day was important." Daqui

Jacques de Sève
La Marmotte

    "The Christian religious holiday of Candlemas Day has become most commonly associated with the current celebration, but it's roots are older than that. The celebration started in Christianity as the day, (February 2nd), when Christians would take their candles to the church to have them blessed. This, they felt, would bring blessings to their household for the remaining winter.
    As time rolled on the day evolved into another form. The following English folk song highlights the transition to weather prognostication.

If Candlemas be fair and bright,
Come, Winter, have another flight;
If Candlemas brings clouds and rain,
Go Winter, and come not again.

    This “interpretation” of Candlemas Day became the norm for most of Europe. As you can read, there is no mention of an animal of any kind in the preceding song. It wasn't until this traditional belief was introduced to Germany that an animal was introduced into the lore, hence another evolution of February 2nd. If, according to German lore, the hedgehog saw his shadow on Candlemas Day there would be a “Second Winter” or 6 more weeks of bad weather. As German settlers came to what is now the United States, so too came their traditions and folklore. With the absence of hedgehogs in the United States, a similar hibernating animal was chosen. This leads us to yet another evolution in the legend and to present day Punxsutawney." Daqui

13 de fevereiro de 2021

12 de fevereiro de 2021

A pontualidade de Kant

    "Kant's regularity was probably - at least at first - due more to Green's punctuality than to that of Kant, for it was said that the neighbors could set their clocks in accordance with the time at which Kant left Green's house in the evening: at seven o'clock the visit was over." (p. 155)

    "Green, Joseph (1727-1786), British merchant in Königsberg and the closest friend of Kant. Hippel is said to have used Green as a model for his Man of the Clock, a character who lives by inviolable maxims and strictly by the clock. Later writers transferred these characteristics to Kant." (pp. xi-xii)

Kuehn, Manfred, Kant: A Biography, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2001.

clock-component (dial)
Meissen Porcelain Factory
ca. 1745-1750

11 de fevereiro de 2021

Lisbon from Telegraph Hill

Henry Smith

    "In 1809 killed a man in a duel in Bristol. Fled to Portugal where, as a militia officer, he joined the British forces fighting the Peninsular War. Returned to Britain in 1810, stood trial and was acquitted of murder." Daqui

Monsanto, não?

    "A partir de 1806, Francisco Ciera é incumbido de organizar, implantar e expandir uma rede telegráfica portuguesa, cujo funcionamento só viria a ser mais formal‑ mente organizado no final de 1808. A rede da costa de Lisboa viria a ser estendida a Monsanto – que passará a fazer a recepção e transmissão das comunicações entre Lisboa e as restantes regiões do país – e aos palácios reais da Ajuda, Queluz, Mafra e Salvaterra, de forma a garantir a permanente actualização informativa do Príncipe Regente."

Luna, I. d., Sousa, A. C., & Leal, R. S., "Telegrafia visual na Guerra Peninsular. 1807-1814" in Boletim Cultural da Câmara Municipal de Mafra, 2008, pp. 67-136. Daqui

10 de fevereiro de 2021

Marx e o dinheiro

8 September 1852

Dear Engels!

Your letter today dropped into a very disturbed atmosphere.

My wife is ill, little Jenny is ill, little Lene has a kind of nervous fever. I could not and cannot call the doctor because I have no money for medicine. For 8-10 days I have kept the family going on bread and potatoes, and it is even doubtful whether I can get these today. That diet of course was not conducive to health in the present climatic conditions. (...)". Daqui

Nota da República Democrática Alemã

9 de fevereiro de 2021

Boicote aos produtos de Portugal

ca. 1973

    "This button was issued by the Committee for a Free South Africa. The button advocates for people to boycott Portuguese products to help support the independence movements of African nations including Angola, Mozambique and Guinea-Bissau." 

    "A pinback button advocating for the boycott of Portuguese products. The background of the button is white. Black text at the top and bottom of the button reads [Boycott / Products of Portugal]. At center, is an image of two Portuguese wines, Lancers and Mateus. The exterior edge of the button has a manufacturer's union stamp in black ink. The back of the button has a metal pin with a clasp." Daqui

8 de fevereiro de 2021

Carl Spitzweg - O Bibliotecário ou O Rato de Biblioteca

                                                                    Daqui                                                             Daqui    
           Grohmann Museum
Museum Georg Schäfer
                 ca. 1850

    "Spitzweg called it Librarian, but the 19th century German public called it The Bookworm. The term is derisive, and was used to describe someone who has eaten his way through books, and is laughed at for being a bookish but unrealistic person."
    "He is reading in the "Metaphysics" section of a large library." Daqui

7 de fevereiro de 2021

Mar de Minde - polje de Mira-Minde

    "No caso concreto, o polje de Mira-Minde é drenado na periferia do maciço pelas nascentes dos rios Lena, Alviela e Almonda só para citar as mais conhecidas. Quando o entrada de água no sistema é superior ao caudal permitido pelas nascentes, a água eleva-se dentro da rede e inunda esta depressão que é o polje, através de 2 ou 3 algares existentes na sua base, formando este mar temporário. Com a diminuição da precipitação, este “mar” esvazia pelos mesmos locais por onde inundou. Como é necessária a ocorrência de grandes quantidades de precipitação este fenómeno não é regular, previsível ou cíclico." Daqui

"Caracterização do Polje

    Ocorrem em zonas de geologia calcária, em que a erosão ao longo das eras geológicas fez já “estragos” consideráveis. Sendo uma rocha bastante solúvel, o calcário cria redes de galerias subterrâneas, entre grutas e algares. A circulação de águas subterrâneas faz-se no seu essencial por redes de galerias com secções que vão dos pouco centímetros às várias dezenas de metros e não por lençóis e estratos mais ou menos porosos. Na verdade, não existem rios de superfície nestas áreas, eles tomam a forma subterrânea e só aparecem à superfície, já na periferia dos maciços calcários." Daqui

6 de fevereiro de 2021

Ilha dos Faisões ou ilha da Conferência

 L'isle de la conférence où la paix generalle a esté conclue entre la France et l'Espagne le 7 novemb. 1659
A. Perelle

"Ambito de la Isla de los Faisanes, apreciándose la garita de carabineros, la carretera de Behobia y, en segundo plano a la derecha el antiguo puente internacional de Behobia y, a la izquierda, Béhobie (es anterior a 1904)"

    "Se le han atribuido diversos nombres. En francés se le llama mayormente “Île de l’hôpital”, en castellano, y, aparentemente, por un error en la traducción del nombre que se le dio en francés, lleva el nombre de "Isla de los Faisanes". En euskera hay todavía quien le llama "Konpantzia" siendo su origen, sin duda, las conferencias que se realizaron en la isla durante el siglo XVII.Ubicada en la bahía del Bidasoa, tiene aproximadamente 2.000 metros cuadrados. Está compartida por Irun y Hendaya, teniendo cada uno que encargarse de cuidarla durante 6 meses.
    Entre los abundantes sucesos históricos que tuvieron lugar en esta isla, el más importante fue la rúbrica del Tratado de Paz de los Pirineos después de 24 conferencias llevadas a cabo entre Luis de Haro y el Cardenal Mazarino en 1659; el Tratado fue ratificado por el compromiso contraído entre Luis XIV y la infanta Mª Teresa. En el centro de la isla se yergue un monolito con una inscripción conmemorativa de dichos sucesos. Además se han llevado a cabo intercambios de rehenes, entregas de infantas casaderas, etc." Daqui

    "A quelques centaines de mètres de là, en longeant le Chemin de la Baie, on découvre l'île des Faisans (ou île de la Conférence). Petit morceau de terre de 3 000 m², au milieu de la Bidassoa (fleuve qui sert de frontière entre la France et l'Espagne), c'est là que fut signé en 1659, le traité de paix dit des Pyrénées, prélude au mariage de Louis XIV avec la fille du roi d'Espagne Philippe IV. Les négociations furent menées, pendant 3 mois, par le cardinal Mazarin et Don Luis de Haro. Un monument commémoratif de cette conférence y a été élevé en 1861. Depuis le traité des Pyrénées, l'îlot est un condominium (propriété divisée) sous l'autorité de la France et de l'Espagne, changeant tous les 6 mois. L’île ne se visite plus aujourd’hui mais peut être facilement observée depuis la rive des Joncaux, située sur le Chemin de la Baie." Daqui

5 de fevereiro de 2021

Parede - Casa das Pedras

"A Casa das Pedras foi construída por Manuel de Azevedo Gomes, capitão da marinha e amigo do Almirante Nunes da Mata, a cuja visão e investimentos a freguesia da Parede muito deve. Partilhando o amor de Nunes da Mata pelo mar e o seu entusiasmo com as potencialidades dos terrenos então semi-desérticos da Parede, Manuel de Azevedo Gomes adquiriu a Quinta do Moledo e entregou o projecto da habitação ao arquitecto italiano Nicola Bigaglia, que desenhara o recém-construído chalet da Condessa d'Edla na Quinta da Condessa, no outro extremo da Parede. Tanto a localização como o arquitecto foram portanto uma escolha partilhada em família, já que Manuel de Azevedo Gomes era casado com Alice Hensler, filha da segunda mulher de D. Fernando II, que uma vez viúva trocou a residência no Parque da Pena de Sintra pela proximidade da filha e genro." Daqui

4 de fevereiro de 2021

Sidney and Beatrice Webb

     "Webb at once fell in love with the handsome, intellectual young woman. She took longer to adjust her sights to the scruffy, rather ugly little man in the shiny suits, though he had already made a name for himself as a lecturer and writer on economics. They were married in 1892 and by way of honeymoon set off to investigate trade union records in Glasgow and Dublin." Daqui

Sidney and Beatrice Webb
unknown photographer
ca. 1940

1 de fevereiro de 2021

Alexandre Herculano em Vale de Lobos

     "Desiludido com a vida política, retira-se para uma quinta em Vale de Lobos, arredores de Santarém, em 1867, comprada com o dinheiro ganho com a publicação dos seus livros. Aí dedica-se à vida agrícola e à produção de azeite, juntamente com D. Mariana Hermínia Meira, namorada da juventude, com quem casara em 1866, e que esperara pela realização da sua carreira literária." Daqui