5 de dezembro de 2020

Sem-abrigos, vagabundos e homossexualidade

    "About midnight the other man began making homosexual attempts upon me  a nasty experience in a locked, pitch-dark cell. He was a feeble creature and I could manage him easily, but of course it was impossible to go to sleep again. For the rest of the night we stayed awake, smoking and talking. The man told me the story of his life  he was a fitter, out of work for three years. He said that his wife had promptly deserted him when he lost his job, and he had been so long away from women that he had almost forgotten what they were like. Homosexuality is general among tramps of long standing, he said.

Orwell, George, Down and Out in Paris and London, London, Victor Gollancz Ltd, 1933, p. 199.

Tramp on a doorstep (Daqui)

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